“Unveiling the Depths: 866 Mysterious New Species, Including a Guitar Shark and a Mud Dragon, Discovered in the Ocean Census!”

"Unveiling the Depths: 866 Mysterious New Species, Including a Guitar Shark and a Mud Dragon, Discovered in the Ocean Census!"

In all, while the first round of expeditions was an undeniable success, the Ocean Census team is still hard at work to reach their ultimate goal of identifying 100,000 new species.

This year, the organization will conduct 10 more expeditions across the Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans in the hopes of expanding our knowledge of Earth’s ocean creatures, the challenges they face, and how we can best protect them. As Ocean Census explained in their mission statement:

“The ocean is an interconnected web of life. Only by building a more complete picture of its biodiversity, and understanding the potential of its genetic blueprint, can we inform the policies and decisions that will shape its future.”

After reading about the Ocean Census, dive into the story of Challenger Deep, the deepest point in any of Earth’s oceans. Then, read about seven scary sea creatures that are so bizarre you won’t believe they’re real.

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