“Unveiling the Eerie Secrets Behind Vintage Smiles: Old School Photos That Will Haunt Your Memories!”
They’re just wearing their regular clothes and put a cloth over their face with an eye and mouth hole. This is what I look like wearing a skiing mask.
These Vintage Masks Were Supposed To Reduce The Appearance Of Wrinkles

Early 20th-century beauty products were downright weird. These leather masks were supposed to help reduce the presence of wrinkles, but all it does it scare the living daylights out of everyone around you.
Other terrifying 20th-century beauty products include a wire you wear around your face to define your cheekbones, and a head-cage the produces soft vibrations on your skin. Science and technology in the beauty industry have had their own glow-up.
Walt Disney Redesigned Mickey And Minnie After Seeing How Creepy They Were In Real Life

Walt Disney has done a lot for the world, like blessing us with Disneyland and the soundtrack to Mary Poppins, but choosing to redesign Mickey and Minnie is the most important of them all.
After Walt saw what Mickey and Minnie from his cartoon looked like in a life-size costume, he quickly scratched the idea to make their features more cartoon-like. Sometimes the greatest accomplishments go unnoticed.