This executioner’s mask from the 1800s is just so unnecessary on so many levels. First of all, why did the executioner really need a mask? It’s not like they are going to get snitched on since the person they’re looking at is about to die.
On top of that, why did they think adding a lopsided grin was appropriate? Nothing makes sense, and I’m scared. The photo coming up is from the 1980s but has an element of timeless terror.
Discarded Wax Mannequins Are A Little Too Lifelike For Comfort
These wax mannequins were tossed after becoming damaged in a building fire. Is it just me, or do they look like real humans? They may have just had a very skilled wax figure artist craft them this well, or they could be zombies back from the dead to avenge their death.
Let’s at least show some respect and get the guy on the right some clothes just in case they are a zombie.
Photos Remembering Father Are Equal Parts Creepy And Sad
Having a photo taken to honor a loved one who died from war or illness was not uncommon in the 20th-century. This widow and son are standing with the military coat of a husband and father lost to war.
Personal photos weren’t common at the time, so if you wanted to capture a memory with a loved one, it had to be done professionally. This woman obviously just wanted to make sure her son never forgot his father, but it ends up looking spooky.
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