“Unveiling the Eerie Secrets Behind Vintage Smiles: Old School Photos That Will Haunt Your Memories!”
On His Way To Steal Your Girl

Don’t mind this guy. He’s just casually rolling right into your nightmares. I mean, when has a bicycle built for two ever been anything but wholesome. There’s nothing to worry about though because he’s brought his sweet, innocent daughter along to break the ice.
If she makes you nervous too, don’t fret. You can tell by their slightly deflated balloon that they’re not here to haunt you. They’re here to party. What can go wrong?
M.J. Knew How To Get Into Character

This is a behind the scenes look at the late, great Michael Jackson in makeup for his transformation into a zombie in his music video for “Thriller.” Even though most of us have seen the legendary music video numerous times, it never stops being creepy.
I can almost hear the door creeks, the thunder, and the howling dogs from the music video thanks to this piercing look from M.J.
What Was Michelin Originally Thinking?

If you didn’t know if these two were supposed to be the original Michelin Man mascots, you’d think they were some sort of demon Teletubby from another planet. In reality, they’re just the very first, very creepy, version of their mascot Bibelobis.
Over time, Bibelobis lost the weird glasses, tire pump, and slimmed down to a healthy size and stopped terrifying kids. The next two photos prove why you shouldn’t mess with Russia, even in your nightmares.