“Unveiling the Flaw: Samantha Kelly’s Shocking Photoshop Blunder Raises Eyebrows!”

"Unveiling the Flaw: Samantha Kelly's Shocking Photoshop Blunder Raises Eyebrows!"

“That’s not normal,” one user wrote. “This seems like a very obvious Photoshop fail.”

Netizens accused influencer Samantha Kelly of photoshopping her body in her latest post, pointing toward her inner thigh’s “abnormal” shape

Image credits: samkelly32

Debate followed suit, with fans of the model defending her against an onslaught of negative comments that suggested that the influencer had become the latest in a long line of fitness personalities to digitally alter her photos to make herself look more impressive than she really is.

“Of course, it’s photoshopped. Everything is tweaked. Skinny waist. Skinny arms. Skinny legs. Skinny face. All clearly digitally manipulated,” one user argued.


Image credits: samkelly32

The editing technique in question involves the use ofimage manipulation toolsthat push, pull, enlarge, or shrink parts of a photo to enhance one’s appearance. This practice became infamous among influencers looking to enlarge their muscles or slim down certain areas of their body for social media.

“That’s the worst photoshop I have seen,” another wrote, pointing out the “unnatural” shape of Kelly’s inner thigh, which seemed to bend outwards, creating a curve between her legs.

Image credits: samkelly32

Some fans stood firm against the flood of accusations, rushing to Kelly’s defense, claiming that her toned body was the result of hard work in the gym rather than digital manipulation.

“This is a natural body of someone who is low body fat and high in muscle mass!” one user argued. 

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