“Unveiling the Hidden Secrets: What ‘Boy Meets World’ Never Revealed About Your Favorite Characters!”
John Adams High School Is A Possible Reference To One Of The Actors
Many fans of the show believe that John Adams High School is a nod to William Daniels career. In 1969, Daniels starred as John Adams in the Broadway Musical 1776, and he made an appearance in the film version as well.
Another interesting bit of information about his career came from his character. Mr. Feeny calls The Graduate a “great film” only because Williams played Mr. Braddock in the movie.
Daniels Did Have A Feeny-Vibe On Set
Now, he didn’t mentor the kids, but the child actors were intrigued by Daniels. Initially, they thought he was British since he came across as very proper.
Savage would tell Collider, “There wasn’t a whole lot of socializing offset, but we revered the character and the man. When he’d come on set, we’d talk, we’d listen, and we’d absorb, and then he would vanish, like some magical person that pops into your life. He was like a mystic.”
The Show Skipped Some Grades
There was one instance where the show leaps ahead in time. In season one, the kids are in sixth grade. In season two, they’re in the seventh grade and entering high school. Then, in the fourth season, the characters suddenly jump into the eleventh grade.
By the time it’s the fifth season, it represents their senior year and they graduate from high school. Somewhere in there, a couple of grades were left out. It might have to do with the actors growing up.
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