“Unveiling the Hidden Truths: What Experts Are Saying That Could Change Everything You Thought You Knew!”
But practically speaking screens have just become executive dysfunction induction machines that people use as an escape to never truly start living.
Screens have stolen so many years of my life it’s crazy.
Image credits: Aggressive_Formal_50
Roundabouts. Great idea, but people can’t seem to understand them. I don’t know what to expect, though, when most drivers don’t know what the red octagon sign means.
Image credits: __________________73
I doubt anyone will see this, but “passing lanes” should’ve been in here somewhere.
The United States of America.
Flushable wet wipes. So many people flushing the regular non-flushable kind down the toilet and causing problems led to the idea that the genuinely flushable kind were some sort of scam.
Image credits: LampshadeWatermelon
Tough one, but Google Wave.
It would have revolutionised user to user communication and collaboration, and most of the numerous failings of modern social media simply wouldn't have been possible if we were all using wave to access it.
Wave was three things, a concept, a protocol and an app. The idea was the app was in the users control, the protocol was open so anyone could build an app to consume all the data.
The problem was, to demonstrate this, google threw together a horrible, unintuitive, lumpy java app and then (and what I think was a first for google) made an early beta of the app (which was nearer alpha quality) available to the masses.
The masses, being stupid people who didn't read up on what wave was all about, they just played with the app and hated it, and therefore decreed that wave was dead before it even launched. Which was a real shame, as under the hood it was a real game changer.