“Unveiling the Mysteries of the Deep: A Stunning New Scaleless Golden Fish Discovered in Southwest China’s Enigmatic Caves!”

"Unveiling the Mysteries of the Deep: A Stunning New Scaleless Golden Fish Discovered in Southwest China's Enigmatic Caves!"

Researchers are now using the Xingren golden-lined fish to better understand how environmental pressures, such as the absence of light and predators, have shaped the evolution of physical traits over millions of years.

Discovering A New Fish Species In A Chinese Cave

Between 2012 and 2020, researchers conducted fish studies in the waterways of Guizhou Province in southwest China. During this time, they collected seven specimens of a previously unknown cave fish.

Chinese Caves

Xiao M-Y, Wang J-J, Luo T, Zhou J-J, Xiao N, Zhou J/Zoosystematics and EvolutionOne of the cave habitats where the Xingren golden-lined fish lives.

This fish, measuring nearly six inches in length and sporting shiny gold skin and large eyes, was dubbed Sinocyclocheilus xingrenensis. It is the 81st fish species assigned to the genus Sinocyclocheilus.

The new species is physically distinct from its cousins with its golden, scaleless body, light-colored fins, and black markings. It also has two whiskers protruding from its face, similar to a catfish.

Scientists believe that the golden fish’s unique features are the result of its dark habitat, as it is “found only in caves near Xingren City,” researchers wrote in their study, now published in the journal Zoosystematics and Evolution. Because of its isolation, the golden fish has presented scientists with an invaluable opportunity to study the evolution of other fish species.

Exploring Fish Evolution Through The Xingren Golden-Lined Fish

Sinocyclocheilus xingrenensis is particularly distinct from many other freshwater fish due to its lack of scales. Research suggests that the fish gradually lost its scales over time due to the specific environmental conditions in its cave habitat.

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