“Unveiling the Mystery: What This American Family Found Inside Their Pet Octopus Will Leave You Speechless!”

While most kids are dreaming of snuggling with a fluffy puppy or a purring kitten, young Cal Clifford from Edmond, Oklahoma, had his heart set on something a little… squishier. An octopus! Yes, you read that right—a slippery, eight-armed sea creature. Now, if I had a kid who begged for an octopus, I might have just brought home two golden retrievers and let him do the math, but for Cal’s parents, after years of plush toys and half-hearted discussions, they decided to make a splash by gifting him Terrance the octopus on his ninth birthday in late 2023. It’s a head-scratcher, really—did they miss the memo that octopuses have a reputation for being, well, somewhat sinister? A scientist even suggested they might be the future rulers of the world (let that sink in!). However, the adventure with Terrance took unexpected turns, and soon, those 50 little octopus eggs turned the family’s home into an aquatic adventure… and a bit of a chaotic mess! Curious to swim deeper into this tale? LEARN MORE.

Most kids ask for a four-legged pet at some point in their lives, whether that be a dog, a cat or a rabbit, it’s usually something fluffy and cute.

But for young Cal Clifford, from Edmond, Oklahoma, US, only eight would do, as he spent much of his childhood begging for an octopus.

I personally would have just brought home two dogs and told him to do the maths, but for some reason, after years of supplementing him with plush toys and clothes, his parents finally obliged and brought home Terrance the octopus on Cal’s ninth birthday in late 2023.

There’s no doubt in my mind that octopuses are inherently evil creatures. And I’ve even got a scientist to prove it, with one predicting recently that the slimy sea creatures would be first in line for the throne should the human race ever die out.

A pet octopus is certainly unusual (ABC News/Clifford family)

A pet octopus is certainly unusual (ABC News/Clifford family)

That’s perhaps less surprising when you realise that giant octopus are more than capable of camouflaging themselves on the sea floor and attacking you when you least expect it.

The family’s first few weeks with Terrance the octopus, who perhaps should have been named Terri given the family’s later discovery, went swimmingly (pardon the pun).

But not long after, the family were shocked to realise that Terrance was actually female, and had given birth to a remarkable 50 eggs.

And they knew what would soon follow, as female octopuses die after laying their eggs.

Sadly for them, dropping off octopus babies with local families in the neighbourhood proved slightly harder than adorable puppies would have done, and they were left to care for the eggs themselves.

Dad Cameron told the New York Times: “It’s a lot of work. A lot of work and emotion and money and time.

“Every scientist I speak to is always kind of astonished by that fact that we were able to get such a high yield in a kid’s bathroom.”

Unfortunately, trying to cater for so many sea creatures led to serious stress and financial problems for the family, as they were forced to try and build more aquariums to keep them safe.

Unfortunately, this also led to their home being heavily damaged due to spilled water and electrical fires.

Terrance quickly became a beloved member of the Clifford brood (TikTok/@doctoktopus)

Terrance quickly became a beloved member of the Clifford brood (TikTok/@doctoktopus)

One of Terrance's babies (TikTok/doctoktopus/ABC)

One of Terrance’s babies (TikTok/doctoktopus/ABC)

Cameron added in another interview with USA Today: “Do not get a pet octopus unless you’re ready to lose sleep and your kids’ college fund simultaneously.”

Terrance/Terri sadly passed away in April 2024. But it seems as if the family are still determined to care for some of Terrance’s babies, going off the latest posts on their popular TikTok account @doctoktopus.

RIP Terrance.

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