“Unveiling the Secret Cruise Codes: Essential Rules You Didn’t Know Could Make or Break Your Voyage!”
If a child is traveling with other people, then a written, notarized, and signed letter of consent must be shown to crew members, authorizing the child’s presence on board that certain ship with those specific people.
Passengers Are Allowed To Scatter Ashes At Sea

Instead of being buried, some people ask to be cremated and have their ashes scattered at sea. What better and easier way to do so than on a cruise in the middle of the ocean? While a ceremony might seem a bit strange for a vacation cruise liner, scattering a loved one’s ashes isn’t prohibited, as long as the passengers follow certain guidelines.
One such rule is that the “staff will coordinate the burial at sea, which must take place 12 nautical miles from land.”
Showing Up On Time Isn’t A Suggestion

When the liner docks for off-ship excursions, there is a set time for passengers to get back to the liner so the captain can stay on schedule. Well, many people don’t take that time seriously, getting caught up in the local markets, a long hike, or beverages at a tiki bar.
Too bad for them that the crew isn’t going to wait around and stall other passengers’ vacation because they lost track of time!
Lifeboats Must Accommodate 125% Of The Total Passengers

After one too many at-sea catastrophes, maritime law finally stepped up its game. Now, each cruise liner must be equipped with enough lifeboats to safely evacuate 125% of the total passengers onboard the ship.