“Unveiling the Secrets: How Your Favorite Drinks Lose Their Kick Without Losing Flavor!”
Mazzeo, Jacopo, The Science Behind Non-Alcoholic Beer and Wine Production, SevenFifty Daily, July 25, 2022, https://daily.sevenfifty.com/the-science-behind-non-alcoholic-beer-and-wine-production/
The History of Non-Alcoholic Beer in America, NA Beer Club, https://nabeerclub.com/history-non-alcoholic-beer/
Miller, Carl, We Want Beer: Prohibition and the Will to Imbibe, Beer History, https://beerhistory.com/library/holdings/prohibition_1.shtml
Alberts, Janelle, The Complex History of Non-Alcoholic Wine, Yahoo Life, April 25, 2024, https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/complex-history-non-alcoholic-wine-171549807.html
Oster, Lauren, The Science Behind Nonalcoholic Wine, Smithsonian Magazine, September 21, 2022, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/the-science-behind-nonalcoholic-wine-180980805/