“Unveiling the Shadows: 47 Disturbing Family Secrets That Will Leave You Speechless!”

"Unveiling the Shadows: 47 Disturbing Family Secrets That Will Leave You Speechless!"

MintmanSupreme Report


My grandfather’s mother (she lived well into my lifetime (made it to 99 y/o), never met her, due to how hateful she was. My grandfather has five siblings who I’ve also never met because they are about the same (as is he, it turns out). My grandfather’s dad was a guy, named Raymond, when he walked out just before slamming the door the last time, he looked and said “one of you ain’t mine” when his kids asked why he was leaving. Anyway my grandfather’s mother would do things like leave a single can of soup for six kids to eat while she went and stood in the corner or did the “fell in a store” scam. Every year she had a brand new buick in her driveway, while her kids would sneak out over to the neighbors to eat since should basically would feed them. One day she found this out, and screamed at the neighbor for giving them a lasagna. But, what can you expect from someone who told her 3rd grade grand daughter (my mom) she hates her right to her face.

RoseWould Report


My grandpa died when I was 7 and my grandma (his wife) died about 4 years ago. We found out my grandpa got someone pregnant 40+ years ago, and the kid came looking for my grandpa when he was an adult. My grandma and grandpa paid this guy like $40,000 to basically never contact them again and “not exist” to the rest of my family. We found all this out after my grandma died due to going through all her paperwork etc. when sorting her house. Wild s**t.

Svyeda Report

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