“Unveiling the Shadows: 55 Ordinary Industries That Conceal Sinister Secrets You Never Knew Existed”

"Unveiling the Shadows: 55 Ordinary Industries That Conceal Sinister Secrets You Never Knew Existed"

1_21_Jigawatt , Mark Stebnicki/pexels Report

“Window Cleaners”: 55 Industries That Are Way More Dark And Sinister Than Most Realize Dog shelters.

There’s a lot of people that breed dogs without knowing what they’re doing, and just doing it to make money.

Dogs are born with illnesses and disabilities so get ditched and left behind, ending up in a dog shelter.

Here it’s filled with dogs still “too healthy” to pass away but “too weak” to live. If we wouldn’t take care of them they wouldn’t survive for a day.

If you ever want to get a dog, please get one from a GOOD shelter. Know what you’re getting, but please don’t go find a cheep breeder.

rigstar88 , Alexander Nadrilyanski/pexels Report


See Also on Bored Panda

I am going to go with Jewelry. A fair number of people are aware of “blood diamonds” and some people are aware of the s**t that DeBeers has pulled and therefore avoid diamonds altogether, but it is much deeper. You will be hard pressed to find a gemstone mine that isn’t exploitive of its labor force, and even harder pressed to find one that isn’t exploitive of the environment. It is an industry ripe with money laundering, ties to organized crime, and human trafficking. Industry standard terms are very careful to make it sound like they are protecting consumers (so governments don’t step in) but actually protecting the industry. For example, a diamond that is manufactured from pure carbon to create a true diamond lattice with a hardness 10 etc. *must* be prominently labeled as “lab created” or “synthetic” in marketing. Meanwhile a low-grade diamond that has a coating on it to completely change it’s color can be called “natural” and the fact that it is “treated” can be in the small print. And you can get a piece of white quartz, and sell it as a “natural diamond simulant” without problem. A “cultured” pearl will usually have less than a mm of pearl around a bead of shell or even plastic. And *all* commercial pearls are cultured.

dank_imagemacro Report


See Also on Bored Panda

“Window Cleaners”: 55 Industries That Are Way More Dark And Sinister Than Most Realize Real estate

I’m a copywriter for a US real estate corporation and cant wait to get the f**k away from them. Disgusting industry. But right now i need to pay my bills.

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