“Unveiling the Shadows: 55 Ordinary Industries That Conceal Sinister Secrets You Never Knew Existed”

"Unveiling the Shadows: 55 Ordinary Industries That Conceal Sinister Secrets You Never Knew Existed"

For the US market, there are many addictives that are prohibited from being added to gasoline to improve its octane rating as they are deemed too polluting to the environment. But many US gasoline blenders buy large volumes of them anyway. Why? For selling into the Latin American market.

abigbluebird , Tom Fisk/pexels Report


See Also on Bored Panda

The video game industry. All you see as a consumer is a fun game, some big publishers and perhaps a few interviews with devs telling you how proud they are of element xy or the game in general.

Reality is that most those projects live off constant pressure on the devs, and a lot of it. The publisher sets a date, there are millions of dollars going into it including investments by stakeholders who want to be satisfied. Most of the times those release dates are unrealistic to say the least. This leads to a ton of pressure on the devs, working way over time and still not being able to really put out the work that would have to be done in order to put out a complete game in the end.

Thats also one of the reasons why so many games nowadays release unfinished or full of bugs. Theyre pushing the game out before its finished due to unrealistic release dates set to satisfy investors. If the game is still a success, devs go right back to work with new contracts. If it flops the work on that game gets dropped and you only had to pay like half of the work done by the devs because you released the game halfbaked.

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