“Unveiling the Shadows: 55 Ordinary Industries That Conceal Sinister Secrets You Never Knew Existed”

"Unveiling the Shadows: 55 Ordinary Industries That Conceal Sinister Secrets You Never Knew Existed"

DrEckelschmecker Report


See Also on Bored Panda


Some issues: Money laundering, gentrification, and human trafficking. Not to mention waste, destroying natural habitats, limiting local access to resort areas, and over tourism.

Abject_Bottle59 Report

Film and TV production.

– Grueling 16 hour days / 6 days a week are normalized
– Going months without working, 25 year veterans on unemployment
– Hollywood egos and abuse towards production assistants and personal assistants
– Injuries / Deaths on film sets due to unsafe workplace
– The list goes on and on, with tons of examples in the news

But people still view hollywood as glamourous and aspirational.

darkphalanxset Report

NCAA athletics!! Worked for 10 years in college football and it’s insane what goes on and what people don’t see. All people see is the coaches who make millions of dollars. They are the 1% of the top 1%. The biggest kept secret in the business is the way schools skirt around fair wage and labor laws to exploit young people trying to coach. They have contracts that call young coaches “interns” which allows the school to only pay them 10,000 a year or less but you will work upwards of 70-80 hours a week which includes weekends. I have been advocating for this practice to be outlawed for a very long time and is the main reason I left the profession. You get worked to death and make zero money to do it. Please realize the coaches you see on tv and the salaries you hear about are literally the peak of the profession. It would be like comparing the CEO of google salary to the owner of a small coffee shop salary. Next time you watch a college football game look at the sheer amount of staff members on the sideline and remember that there are only 10 salaried assistant coaches allowed on staff. Now think of the thousands of coaches that coach college ball at the D3 and D2 level that aren’t even on TV. The NCAA needs to step up and mandate fair pay and stop the exploitation.

kakapoopoopeepeeshir Report


“Window Cleaners”: 55 Industries That Are Way More Dark And Sinister Than Most Realize Aviation. You think it’s glamorous…… Pilots and attendants, you think are always all up away in exotic destinations getting wild and partying. While tha may have slightly been the case 2-3 decades ago ago now it’s a lot darker and scarier than you could imagine. The people crucial to your safety, the ones who you’d actually depend on to live or die in an emergency are overworked, underpaid, fatigued as f8*k and stressed out. Most are dealing with mental health issues in silence (so not sure how that’s defined as “dealing”) while the ones that run the show work cushy 9-5s and get most weekends off. Talk to any pilot right now from around the world(I’m looking at you Asia/South Asia) and you’ll hear a very grim reality. And let’s not get started about the exploitation of th cabin crew/flight attendants.

FlimsyEbb8390 , Kelly/pexels Report


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