In 2022, the Sahara saw unusual snowfall in its Algerian territory. However, that wasn’t the first time we could see snow, as the phenomenon was also recorded in 2017, 2018, and 2021. The temperatures in the desert get awfully high, at about 50°C during the day, but they also drop very low at night. In 2005, in Algeria, the lowest recorded temperature was -14°C. When the temperature is cold and there’s moisture in the air, snow forms.


Historical buildings moved on tracks in a rare engineering feat for everyday infrastructure development.

Over a month, the structure moved 15 inches per hour, with 600 employees working without interruption. Gas, heat, electricity, water, sewage, and phone services remained intact, and no one inside felt the movement.

JamesLucasIT , fasc1nate Report

Let’s go to the animal kingdom and explore some fun facts about them. The ever-cute otters are a good place to start. Did you know that they have skin pockets underneath their armpits? what do they put in there? The food they plan to eat later or rocks they’ll use to crack open mussels and other hard-shelled snacks.


Another fun animal fact in our list is that guinea pigs must have a companion in Switzerland. Such a rule is included in the Animal Protection Ordinance. Yet the Swiss themselves claim that actual enforcement of this animal protection requirement depends on the opinion of the cantonal veterinary services. Other animal species that have to be kept in groups or at least pairs, are guinea pigs, mice, gerbils, rats, degus, and chinchillas, and for birds, Japanese quails, macaws, cockatoos, parakeets, parrots, canaries, estrildid finches and lovebirds.

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