“Unveiling the Unexpected: Discover Which Iconic Video Game Characters Captivated Fans in Pornhub’s 2024 Search Trends!”
It’s that time of year again when the world’s most visited black and orange-themed website, the titan of adult entertainment—yes, you guessed it, Pornhub—drops its annual report on what the internet really craves! Did you know that in just one month, January 2024, visitors logged over 11.4 billion visits using their mobile devices? Talk about being in touch! It’s fascinating—and a bit mind-boggling—to think about all those clicks, searches, and, well, curious clicks that build a rich tapestry of our online habits. Each year, Pornhub compiles this overwhelming data to showcase our eccentric preferences and the unique trends that define our digital afternoons of solitude. And 2024? It’s described as “juicier than ever”! From global events to quirky content, Pornhub’s Year in Review always unearths the surprising nuggets hidden within our browsing data. What have we been searching for this time? Let’s dive in and find out! LEARN MORE.
It’s that time of year again where everyone’s favourite black and orange themed website dishes the details on what people are searching for.
Hands down the world’s most popular pornography website, Pornhub is visited billions of times every single year by those looking for a bit of alone time.
In fact, stats from earlier this year revealed that more than 11.4 billion visits were done by mobile alone in just January, showing that we’ve a rather active bunch when it comes to visiting the 18+ website.
And when you visit Pornhub, those who run the website are tracking what you get up to.
From what you search to what you click on and everything in between, it forms part of a huge pile of data that can tell us things about habits and how they change.
With that in mind, Pornhub has issued its 2024 Year in Review, published on Wednesday (11 December), labelling this year ‘juicier than ever’.
“With a presidential election, the Olympics in Paris, sexually charged viral videos, a rare solar eclipse, and iconic video game releases, it made for a year rich in surprises,” the site says.
Yes, you read that correct. Video games.
Everyone has their personal tastes when it comes to adult content. And for some, that includes fictional characters.

People search for Fortnite on Pornhub more than any other video game (Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Pornhub’s most searched for video games
As well as characters, people love to search Pornhub for their favourite games. Topping the list for 2024 was Fortnite; a game that has also ruled the roost every year from 2021 to 2023.
This was followed up by anime-style game Genshin Impact, which was up four places, and then Pokemon, which was up one place. Yep, we’ve no idea either with that one.
The top five was completed by Overwatch (-2) in fourth and Minecraft (-2) in fifth, because who doesn’t love their adult clips in 8-bit?
If we’re looking at the top 10, places six to 10 were made up of Resident Evil (+1), League of Legends (+2), Valorant (new), GTA 5 (+2), and Sims 4 (+3).

Chun Li arrived on Fortnite in 2023 (Epic Games)
Pornhub’s most searched video game characters
As the article image alludes to, Lara Croft is very much on the list. An iconic character from the Tomb Raider games, she has been popular on Pornhub for years, the website says.
But she’s not number one. Instead, she is second in the 2024 table.
Topping the list is Chun Li from Street Fighter and now Fortnite, with her added as a playable character in 2023. Kind of makes sense when seeing Fortnite top the most popular games search for four years’ running.

Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village (Capcom)
Tifa from Final Fantasy makes up the podium, with Dva from Overwatch coming in at fourth.
There’s then a trilogy of characters from Resident Evil, with Resident Evil Village’s Lady Dimitrescu faking the fifth spot. She’s a 9ft 6in tall vampire, for whose who haven’t played the game.
Resident Evil 4, which had a remastered release in 2023, saw Ashley Graham and Ada Wong brought back to life in high definition.
Clearly, this was something people enjoyed.

Ada Wong in the Resident Evil 4 remake (Capcom)
Eight spot, though, is a little left field, with none other than Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog making the list.
Let’s move on quickly with that one, I reckon.
Ninth belongs to the Widowmaker from Overwatch.
And then 10th is where things get weird once again, with the Slimes from Genshin Impact being searched for by a tonne of people.

Slimes in Genshin Impact (HoYoverse)
These are common enemies you kill in the game, all boating vibrant colours based on their elements.
Yeah, I don’t know about you, but that’s enough internet for one day.