“Unveiling the Unseen: Haunting Drone Footage That Will Leave You Breathless and Questioning Reality”
Here is a photo caught of kids leaving the campus after a shooting happened. You can see the armed men watching to make sure the children are safe as they evacuate.
Is That A Giant Baby?
This isn’t creepy at all. Just a French artist laying on top of his giant land art. If you were flying over this we don’t think you’d probably be a little bit startled before you’d become appreciative of the art.
The piece depicts a little girl dropping an origami boat into Lake Geneva. The art is for a good purpose, but people’s initial reactions might not be as open-minded to it as the artist might have been hoping.
What A Wave
Have you ever experienced what it’s like to almost drown? What about having a monster-sized wave bringing you under? Those are some of the scariest feelings you can experience while swimming. It isn’t fun.
The tiny human in this picture looks like he’s about to get eaten by this giant wave. We don’t know if he made it out of this wave safely or not, but it looks like he could have felt some pain.
That’s A Long Way Down
Tennis is an amazingly fun sport to play. It’s an individual effort so there’s no blaming any other teammates for a loss. Things can get competitive too, so there’s no telling how what can happen in any given match.
Usually, you play this game on a flat surface on the ground. We don’t suggest you play on top of a helipad 211 meters in the sky. One false move and you might find yourself falling off!