“Unwrap the Unexpected: Discover the Strangest Christmas Traditions from Around the Globe!”

"Unwrap the Unexpected: Discover the Strangest Christmas Traditions from Around the Globe!"

A lot of people like to go to the beach on Christmas in Chile. Chile’s seasons are the opposite of ours, so they have Christmas during their summer.


In Chile, Christmas Eve is even more important than Christmas. Everyone gets together for a big meal, and for dessert, they eat a Chilean Christmas Cake called Pan de Pascua. They also drink ‘Cola de Mono,’ which translates to “monkey’s tail.” It’s a drink made from coffee, milk, liquor, cinnamon, and sugar.


South Korea




There are more Christians in Korea than in other Asian countries like China and Japan, so Christmas is actually a national holiday there. They don’t get Boxing Day off, though.


Koreans have adopted a lot of Western Christmas traditions. People like to exchange money rather than gifts on Christmas, and Santa Claus can be seen on the streets wearing red or blue. In Korean, he’s known as Santa Kullosu, or Santa’s grandfather.






In Singapore, about two in ten people are Christians. Christmas is still very popular in this Asian country, though. The holiday is less religious and more secular and commercialized. Shopping malls are typically decked out in all the fanciest fairy lights and tinsel.


If you’re thinking about visiting Singapore, it’s especially beautiful around Christmas time. You really haven’t seen lights until you’ve seen what people in Singapore do with lights on Christmas.

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