“What If History’s Assassin Never Existed? The Shocking Impact of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Alternate Birthdate!”

Alternative Outcomes in Fictional Literature
Live Science shares some of the alternative universes that have been created in the literature regarding the assassination of JFK (whether that was because Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t exist or for other reasons).
The intriguing idea of JFK surviving his assassination has fueled numerous speculative narratives by various authors, each exploring how history might have diverged:
- The 1964 Election: In Bryce Zabel’s “Surrounded by Enemies: What If Kennedy Survived Dallas?”, Kennedy’s survival prompts investigations into his personal and political secrets, possibly derailing his re-election bid. The novel suggests this scenario could have led to impeachment threats based on his affairs and mob connections, highlighting a turbulent political landscape.
- Civil Rights: Stephen King’s “11/22/1963” envisions a world where a time traveler prevents Kennedy’s assassination, but finds that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was never passed. This novel underscores the potential challenges Kennedy might have faced in advancing civil rights without Lyndon B. Johnson’s legislative acumen.
- The Cold War: Jeff Greenfield’s “If Kennedy Lived: An Alternate History” considers that Kennedy’s continued leadership could have facilitated further nuclear disarmament efforts with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, potentially easing Cold War tensions through collaborative diplomacy.
- The Space Program: In Stephen Baxter’s “Voyage,” Kennedy’s survival leads to a speculative scenario where the U.S. lands astronauts on Mars by 1986. This narrative reflects the idea that JFK might have inspired ambitious advancements in space exploration, possibly fostering a joint space initiative with the Soviet Union.
- Vietnam: “Virtual JFK,” a documentary project, suggests that had Kennedy lived, he might have chosen to withdraw from Vietnam, resisting pressures to escalate the war. This perspective contrasts with other historical opinions, adding depth to the debate on how his decisions might have altered the Vietnam conflict’s trajectory.
These literary interpretations offer a fascinating glimpse into the myriad ways history could have unfolded differently, showcasing the creative exploration of historical what-ifs by authors of speculative fiction.