“When Should You Say Goodbye to ‘The Yellow Pillow’? Expert Reveals Shocking Truths Behind This Controversial Bedding Debate!”

"When Should You Say Goodbye to 'The Yellow Pillow'? Expert Reveals Shocking Truths Behind This Controversial Bedding Debate!"

Come on, lads! Let’s talk about the infamous “Yellow Pillow.” You know exactly what I’m referring to—the one that’s somehow become a comforting companion, despite its discolored state. There’s a certain magic in that battered pillow that keeps us from tossing it out, even when it’s more flattened than a pancake. Isn’t it funny how we cling to these objects that others just can’t fathom? I mean, it’s practically a rite of passage for many of us! Feelings of nostalgia, comfort, and maybe a tinge of guilt after revealing the state of our beloved pillow—we’ve all been there. And lately, social media has exploded as proud pillow owners unite to share their bizarre bond with these yellowed wonders. But really, how much yellow is too much? Let’s dive into the quirky world of our nighttime essentials and find out what’s behind these “magical” pillows. LEARN MORE.

Come on lads, we all know what I’m on about when I mention the ‘Yellow Pillow’.

It’s got magical powers, a lot of us have had it for years on end and for some reason we just can’t get rid of it – for some weird reason.

Over time, the place where we lay our heads on at night have become progressively more flat but kept its comfortability factor – but some girls don’t seem to get it.

Some users have gone viral on social media after sharing their own yellow pillows, with one explaining that his partner was ‘mad’ at him for keeping it around, but knew that he’d get the backing of other proud yellow pillow owners.

The infamous yellow pillow on show (Getty Stock Photo)

The infamous yellow pillow on show (Getty Stock Photo)

Understandably, a lot of people were grossed out by the idea of a yellow pillow to lie on every night, even if it is under a pillow case, but it does look unclean – despite how good of a slumber you can get from one.

The colour is firstly caused by sweat, which obviously happens overnight, soaking into your pillow and changes its colour.

Saliva and drool also changes the colour of the pillow, while natural oils in your skin and hair can permanently change its colour, as those with a regimented night-time skin care routine will also affect its colour.

It’s almost like it’s unavoidable.

However, there is a time that you should call it a day with your yellow pillow, as Mattress Clarity Writer Celeste Parker clarifies that while the main cause of yellow pillows in moisture, it should be okay to sleep on – if it doesn’t look completely rancid, of course.

It's not the end of the world if your pillow looks like this (Getty Stock Image)

It’s not the end of the world if your pillow looks like this (Getty Stock Image)

Parker explains: “If your pillow has minimal yellow stains, keeps your head and neck aligned and feels comfortable, it is probably still fine to sleep on.”

But here’s the big one – when should you chuck it away, for good?

“Over time, pillows flatten, collect bacteria and dust and become stained.

“When your pillow cannot fully support your head, smells like sweat or mildew after being cleaned or mostly loses its original colour, it’s time to replace your pillow.”

She added: “Good news though, if it’s not yet gone overboard with the yellowing, you can probably wash the stains out by either spot-treating them or throwing it in the washing machine.”

And if you actually want to prevent those yellow stains, Celeste has three recommendations: “Use a pillow protector, use a good pillowcase and wash your pillow regularly.”

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