“When Trust is Betrayed: Woman Confronts Shocking Betrayal in Her Relationship Over Birth Control”
This behavior is very troubling, because, again, interfering with the health of your partner is not normal at all and should not be tolerated. Fortunately, many of the commenters (some examples can be found below) did their best to express support and tried to ensure she got out of this relationship. Having a child is something both partners need to agree on, anything less is a dealbreaker.
Image credits: Alena Darmel / Pexels (not the actual photo)
This is not a relationship worth keeping
It goes without saying that this sort of “interference” and dishonesty is a major red flag. Again, he not only stole her pills, he lied about it. This means he knows very well that what he’s doing is entirely wrong. In other words, this man knows that his actions are wrong and will hurt his partner and he chooses to do them anyway. The fact that he blames his mother doesn’t really absolve him.
After all, we have no way of knowing if he is being honest. It’s not impossible that an overbearing mom might pressure her son to do something so stupid, but, equally, he could have just made it up in a desperate attempt to save face. This logic is very twisted, as it fully reveals just how bad of a person he is. This is not the sort of thing one can overlook.
Fortunately, at least there is some resolution, which the woman shared later. It can be found below, after the comments from her first post. Overall, this story serves as a warning that no matter how nice someone can be, there are certain lines that just can’t be crossed. Health and fertility are one of them.