“Whoopi Goldberg’s Money Woes Raise Eyebrows: Is Hollywood’s Elite Out of Touch?”

"Whoopi Goldberg’s Money Woes Raise Eyebrows: Is Hollywood’s Elite Out of Touch?"

A person wrote: “Remember when she told Millennials and Gen Z that we can’t afford homes because we aren’t working hard enough? Maybe she should work harder.”


Someone else penned: “Just because someone is rich, doesn’t mean they don’t have financial problems.

It was a sentiment she said resonated with many working Americans

Image credits: The View

“Just like the average American they live beyond their means. She has a mortgage and she has car payments. 

“She has insurance to pay. She has families that need assistance. She can just afford to give a little bit more.”

Image credits: whoopigoldberg

A netizen shared: “I heard some other countries have great exchange rates. Maybe she should move and try it out.”

“As far as an actor goes she’s ok,” a commentator added. “But her personality and political views are toxic. I’m sure she is having a hard time affording groceries in Manhattan. But really she should just go live at her other house in Sardinia.”

A viewer noted: “I love Whoopi Goldberg. She is a philanthropist and supports many, many good causes. 


As a celebrity who earned between $5 to $6 million in 2016, her comment sparked controversy

Image credits: The View

“No one can change my mind about her. Yes, she is a millionaire; but she uses her money for good.”

An additional observer stated: “I work for a living too, but I don’t make millions of dollars a year. We don’t live in the same world, Whoop.”

A separate individual chimed in: “Lol says the millionaire..well congrats the right person was voted in to fix all that.”

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