“Why a New Mom’s Controversial Camera Decision Has Sparked a Family Feud Over Baby Visits”

"Why a New Mom's Controversial Camera Decision Has Sparked a Family Feud Over Baby Visits"

“Also, in earlier generations and different cultures, caregiving is a responsibility shared by extended family and in-laws, whereas in modern Western society, the responsibility typically sits only with the parents. Therefore, a mother-in-law may think their input is justified as part of the family, while the daughter-in-law views making their own parenting decision as their call and their right of passage. Other religious and cultural differences can play into this as well.”

According to the therapist, some other common pressure points are schooling, activities, or socialization as well as differences in boundaries around communication and visiting. “For instance, daughters-in-law may expect notification before mothers-in-law come to the house,” Sethi added. “Further, daughters-in-law may expect to be able to express their emotions and experiences in decision-making and their place in the family, whereas mothers-in-law may expect to be respected as the elder generation.”

Image credits: user1587495 / Freepik (not the actual photo)

Froot Loops aren’t appropriate for babies this young

In this particular case, the mother-in-law may have been too fast with the Froot Loops. Before the age of 4 to 6 months, babies aren’t ready to eat solid foods. It’s around this time that their digestive system merely starts to handle certain supplementary additions.

Signs that a baby is ready to start eating solid foods as a supplement to breast milk or formula include when they:

  • Can support their head steadily on their own;
  • Can sit upright without help;
  • Show interest in your food when you eat, at times moving their mouth around while watching;
  • Can grab at objects.

Their first foods should be single-ingredient foods with no added salt or sugar. For this reason, many parents do turn to cereals like rice, oatmeal, or barley. Froot Loops, on the other hand, has both sugar and salt (among other things) and is not a good choice.

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