“Why Buying Greenland Could Be Your Wildest Investment Gamble Yet: The Surprising Pros and Cons!”

When it comes to the audacious ideas of our political leaders, Donald Trump’s 2019 semi-serious proposal to buy Greenland takes the cake—or maybe the whole dessert buffet! Yes, the soon-to-be President seemed to think that acquiring the world’s largest island could be a savvy business move rather than an epic diplomatic blunder. In a classic twist of satirical humor, The Onion dives into the hilariously mixed bag of pros and cons accompanying this ice-laden proposal. Should we really consider adding Greenland to the U.S. map, or is it just another case of the “grass is greener” mentality? After all, who doesn’t want a bit more ice to melt while pondering our icebergs of problems? Come along as we weigh the high jinks and hijinks of the Great American Land Grab… or is it a Greenland Grab? Go on, indulge your curiosity and check out the full breakdown! LEARN MORE.President-elect Donald Trump has expressed his interest in buying Greenland, an idea he first floated back in 2019. The Onion examines the pros and cons of the U.S. acquiring the country. 

PRO: New Indigenous people to wrong

CON: Feels immoral to do anything that makes the Danes richer

PRO: Would increase domestic supply of ice caps to melt

CON: Full of foreigners

PRO: Would make Alaska jealous

CON: The Great American Melting Pot is still adjusting to the Scots-Irish

PRO: Can finally sate America’s appetite for pickled fish 

CON: 51 stars is a little gaudy, don’t you think?

PRO: Immigrant camps have to go somewhere

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