“Why Gen Z Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around These 15 Strange Struggles of the Boomer Generation!”

"Why Gen Z Can't Wrap Their Heads Around These 15 Strange Struggles of the Boomer Generation!"

5. Cold War Anxieties and Duck-and-Cover Drills

black and white school age girl
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Boomers grew up during the Cold War, a time of heightened political tension and the constant threat of nuclear war. Duck-and-cover drills were a regular part of school life, a grim reminder of the potential for global destruction.

Gen Z, while facing their own set of anxieties, have never had to experience the existential dread of living under the shadow of mutually assured destruction. For them, the Cold War is a historical event, not a lived reality.

6. Limited TV Channels and Scheduled Programming

Old video recorder and tv. Vintage Video VHS Player on the shelf
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Before cable and streaming services, Boomers had limited TV options. Three major networks dominated the airwaves, with programming following a strict schedule. If you missed your favorite show, tough luck. There was no DVR, no on-demand, no binge-watching to fall back on.

Gen Z, with their Netflix queues and YouTube rabbit holes, can’t fathom a world where entertainment was dictated by a TV guide. They have the power to watch what they want, when they want, on a multitude of devices.

7. Physical Encyclopedias and Card Catalogs

Library in Cardiff Castle
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Research in the Boomer era meant hauling out massive encyclopedias or navigating the labyrinthine card catalogs of libraries. Finding information was a time-consuming process, requiring patience and persistence.

Gen Z has the world’s knowledge at their fingertips, thanks to search engines like Google. They can access information instantly, compare sources, and delve into topics with a few clicks. The days of dusty encyclopedias and handwritten notes are a distant memory.

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